Summer Quilting Priorities

 So, this summer the Des Moines Modern Quilt Guild is having a Finish-It-Up quilting challenge.  Basically, everyone picks four projects that they want to finish by our September meeting and for each one they finish they get an entry for prizes.  Here are the ones I choose.

 1.  Christmas Triangle Quilt - this was totally inspired by a quilt made by Amy Smart.  I love it and finally got together enough Christmas Retro fabric to make it happen.  I cut it out last fall, but it didn't get finished by Christmas and then it languished in a bag all this spring.  I would like to get at least the top done in time for our Christmas in July guild meeting.

 2.  The Micheal Miller Challenge Quilt - I narrowed down the provided fabric and supplemented it with other prints and solids based on the colors my sister-in-law is using in their nursery.  This will be for their new baby...if I don't get too attached to it myself.  Seriously, if it turns out at all like I am envisioning it is going to be Awesome!

 I've cut out some of the fabric to make the mini stars that will be floating in the background.  And yes, that one in the middle is tiny.  We'll see how that goes.

3.  The Diamond Stars Quilt - I started this in ... 2012? ... eek ... and haven't worked on it in awhile.  I put it away early in 2013 because I had gotten to the part where I was appliqueing the middle onto the borders and it was hard to see with the poor winter lighting.  Appliqueing black fabric onto black fabric with black thread is not for the faint in heart.  This picture is deceiving in that it looks like the sides are on.  They are really just glued and pinned in place waiting to be appliqued.  I plan on taking this on our summer vacation.  (You can't go a month without quilting, right?) I might even add some decorative stitching before I quilt it.

4.  Cogs - I don't even have a picture of this one.  It is the oldest of the bunch.  The blocks are all done - I just have to sash, quilt and bind it.

So that is it.  My summer quilting priorities.  I really want to stay focused on those projects and get them done but I have already had to stop myself from starting something else.  :)

Do you have any summer sewing plans?